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Lake Nakuru- Samburu 3 Nights

Lake Nakuru- Samburu 3 Nights

Our Rates: USD

Safari Booking

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Prices are based on 2 adults sharing a room and the length of stay at hotel. Offer subject to availability at the time of booking. Price may vary depending on flight and hotel availability and changes in exchange rates. Terms and Conditions apply.

Day 1: Arrival in Lake Nakuru National Park

  • Morning Arrival: Arrive in Lake Nakuru National Park either by road from Nairobi or by air to the nearby airstrip.
  • Game Drive: After checking in at your lodge or camp, embark on a game drive in Lake Nakuru National Park. Look out for the park’s famous flamingos, rhinos, giraffes, buffaloes, and other wildlife species.
  • Lunch: Enjoy lunch at your lodge or camp, followed by some leisure time to relax and take in the beautiful surroundings.
  • Afternoon Game Drive: In the afternoon, continue your game drive in search of more wildlife, including predators such as lions and leopards.
  • Dinner: Return to your accommodation for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 2: Lake Nakuru to Samburu National Reserve

  • Morning Game Drive: Start the day with an early morning game drive in Lake Nakuru National Park, maximizing your chances of spotting wildlife during the cooler hours.
  • Breakfast: Return to your lodge or camp for breakfast.
  • Transfer to Samburu: Check out and depart from Lake Nakuru, heading north towards Samburu National Reserve. The journey takes approximately 5-6 hours by road.
  • Lunch En Route: Stop for lunch at a scenic spot along the way or at a restaurant in a nearby town.
  • Afternoon Game Drive: Arrive at Samburu National Reserve in the late afternoon and embark on a game drive in search of the reserve’s unique wildlife, including the “Samburu Special Five” – reticulated giraffes, Grevy’s zebras, Somali ostriches, Beisa oryxes, and gerenuks.
  • Dinner: Check in at your lodge or camp in Samburu and enjoy dinner overlooking the reserve.

Day 3: Full Day in Samburu National Reserve

  • Morning Game Drive: Start early with a morning game drive in Samburu National Reserve, exploring different parts of the reserve and searching for wildlife.
  • Breakfast: Return to your accommodation for breakfast.
  • Cultural Experience: Visit a nearby Samburu village to learn about the traditional way of life and culture of the Samburu people. Enjoy traditional dances, interact with the villagers, and learn about their customs and traditions.
  • Lunch: Have lunch at your lodge or camp.
  • Afternoon Leisure: Spend the afternoon relaxing at your accommodation, taking a dip in the pool, or enjoying a nature walk around the camp.
  • Afternoon Game Drive: In the late afternoon, head out for another game drive, with the chance to spot wildlife that may be more active during the cooler hours of the day.
  • Dinner: Return to your lodge or camp for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 4: Departure

  • Morning Game Drive: Enjoy a final early morning game drive in Samburu National Reserve, soaking in the sights and sounds of the African bush.
  • Breakfast: Return to your accommodation for breakfast.
  • Check-Out: Check out of your lodge or camp and depart from Samburu, either by road to Nairobi or to the nearest airstrip for your onward flight.
  • Departure: Board your flight home or to your next destination, marking the end of your Lake Nakuru and Samburu wildlife safari.



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